Saturday, October 17, 2009

Studio Tour

Wow! What a weekend. Thanks to everyone who came by. I enjoyed your visits and the chance to demonstrate my needle felting. A really huge thanks to my mother who came up both weekends to help me, I could not have done it without her. The weather was nicer the second weekend and the cats finally came out to play. The two adults on Saturday and all three of them on Sunday.
Raspy playing with some coloured yarns.
Princess on the studio steps

Brat posing for the camera

Brat and Princess
They really do spend considerable amounts of time with me in the studio. Brat is here right now, getting into things.

Visit to World of Threads Festival

A little after the fact but I still wanted to express my appreciation for all of the hard work that went into The World of Threads Festival.
I am pleased to have been able to paricipate in the juried exhibition again. One of the very first show openings I attended was The Common Thread 2007. It was so exciting then to see my jacket Fall on display.
This year my piece Awakening was accepted into The Common Thread 2009.
Mom and I made the trip down to Oakville for the opening.
We planned a weekend to take in all the venues and we certainly needed it.
We arrived on Friday quite a bit later than we had originally planned, but we made it.
Saturday morning we had breakfast and planned our day.
We started by driving to downtown Oakville and finding a parking spot. Then we walked down to venue 9 and took in The Modern Pricilla, very nice work. We continued on to venue 7 and saw the "nine lives" exhibit. Not surprisingly I enjoyed the show, It might have had something to do with the theme, but it also had to do with the great work featured. We then headed over to venue 8. This exhibition contained one of my favorite pieces in the whole exhibition. A beautful rendition of a forest by Penny Milton. At this point it was time to head over for the opening at The Towne Square Gallery, Common Thread. Again great work. Repetition is really not my thing but there was so much wonderful work at this Festival. On to venues 12 and 11. That was when we went out behind the museum and started taking pictures of the trees. There were so many lovely old ones that I could not get enough. Until I looked at my watch and realized that we were more than a few minutes past our time at the parking lot. OOPS we tried to go quickly but again the trees kept catching us as we went by. Oakville you do have some wonderful specimens. Fortunately the car was still where we had left it and it did not even have a ticket. I was really relieved.
Very full of textiles and trees we headed back to the hotel.
The next day we attended the openings for the other Common Thread venues. Fortunately we only planned the two. There was so much to look at. What wonderful works from such a diverse group of people.
On Monday we managed all of the other venues that were open. Venue 4 was one of my favorite stops.
It was a very busy and full weekend which both Mom and I enjoyed. I am looking forward to the show in 2011.
Thanks to the Festival organizers. You do know how to put on a great show.
